What is Halal?

Concept of Halal

Halal is a term used to describe products and services that are permissible under Islamic law. It is often used to refer to food and drink, but can also apply to other areas such as finance, personal care products, and many other industries. Halal is not only limited to food, it is a comprehensive concept that encompasses many aspects of human life, including personal, social, and economic aspects.
Halal is derived from the Arabic word "halal" which means permissible or lawful. In the Islamic tradition, halal refers to actions, words, and beliefs that are by the teachings of the Quran and the Hadith (sayings of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)). It is a way of life that is based on the principles of Tawheed (the belief in the oneness of God) and Ibadah (worship and devotion to God).
In the context of food and drink, halal refers to items that are permissible for Muslims to consume, as defined by Islamic dietary laws. This includes the prohibition of consuming pork, blood, and alcohol, as well as the requirement for meat to be slaughtered in a specific way (Zabihah) by a Muslim, and the name of Allah must be pronounced at the time of slaughtering.

In addition to food and drink, halal also applies to other areas of life such as personal care, finance, and social interactions. For example, it is considered halal to engage in fair and honest business practices, avoid riba (usury), and avoid engaging in activities that are harmful to oneself or others.

Islam places great emphasis on the importance of halal in daily life. Quran and Hadith have many verses and sayings that emphasize the importance of halal in human life. For instance, the Quran states "O ye who believe! Eat of the good things wherewith We have provided you, and render thanks to Allah if it is (indeed) He Whom ye worship" (Quran 2:172). This verse highlights the importance of consuming halal food and being grateful to Allah.

In conclusion, Halal is a comprehensive concept that encompasses many aspects of human life. It is not only limited to food and drink, but also encompasses personal, social, and economic aspects. It is a way of life that is based on the principles of Tawheed and Ibadah, and Muslims need to follow the guidelines of halal in all aspects of their lives. 

Halal Industry 

The halal industry refers to a wide range of activities that include halal food, halal tourism, halal cosmetics, halal medicine, halal logistics, halal finance, and halal slaughtering. It is a rapidly growing industry that is estimated to be worth over $2 trillion globally. The halal industry is driven by the increasing demand for halal products and services from the global Muslim population, which is projected to reach 2.2 billion by 2030.

The halal food industry is the largest segment of the halal industry and includes halal meat, poultry, seafood, and processed food products. The halal food industry has seen significant growth in recent years, driven by increasing demand from the Muslim population as well as non-Muslims who are interested in halal food for health and ethical reasons.

The halal tourism industry is another growing segment of the halal industry. This includes halal-friendly hotels, resorts, and travel services that cater to the needs of Muslim travelers. This includes providing halal food options, and prayer facilities, and ensuring that the destination is culturally and socially appropriate for Muslim travelers.
The halal cosmetics and personal care industry is also growing, as more and more Muslim consumers are looking for products that are halal and do not contain haram ingredients such as alcohol and pig-derived ingredients.

The halal medicine industry is also growing, as more and more Muslim consumers are looking for halal alternatives to traditional medicine. This includes halal dietary supplements, herbal remedies, and traditional medicine.

The halal logistics industry includes the transportation, storage, and distribution of halal products and services. This includes ensuring that halal products are stored and transported according to halal guidelines and regulations.

The halal finance industry includes the provision of halal financial services, such as halal banking and halal insurance. This includes ensuring that financial services and 

Competency Framework

A competency framework is a set of standards or guidelines that outline the knowledge, skills, and abilities required to perform a specific job or function. The competency framework for CHART (Halal Awareness, Research & Training) would likely include the following competencies:

Knowledge of halal

A thorough understanding of halal principles, regulations, and guidelines, and the ability to apply this knowledge to the development of halal standards, education, and research.

Wood Construction

The ability to conduct research on the latest trends, challenges, and opportunities in the halal industry and to use research findings to assist the halal industry in making informed decisions.

Communication skills

The ability to effectively communicate with stakeholders, including students, halal industry professionals, government agencies, and research institutions.

Project management

The ability to manage multiple projects and tasks simultaneously, with a focus on meeting deadlines and delivering quality outcomes.


The ability to lead and manage teams, and to provide guidance and direction to others.

Continuous Learning

A commitment to continuous learning and professional development, to stay up-to-date with the latest developments and trends in the halal industry.


The ability to work effectively with others, including staff, students, external partners, and stakeholders, to achieve common goals


The ability to adapt to changing circumstances and to find new and innovative solutions to problems.

Cultural sensitivity

The ability to understand and respect different cultural perspectives and to work effectively with individuals from diverse backgrounds.

Technical skills

Proficiency in relevant software and technologies related to research, education, and halal certification.

It is important to note that a competency framework is not an exhaustive list and can be adapted and modified to suit the specific needs of the organization. It serves as a guide to identify the key skills, knowledge, and abilities required for the staff at CHART


CHART stands for Center for Halal Awareness, Research, and Training, which is run by Minhaj University Lahore (MUL) in Pakistan. It is dedicated to provide education, training and extensive research in the field of halal.

The goal of CHART is to establish itself as a leading institution for halal education at a national and international level. The organization is committed to conducting research and providing consultancy services to the halal industry and aims to bridge the gap between academia and industry by providing training and education that is relevant to the needs of the halal industry.

CHART provides education, training, research, and consultancy services to individuals, businesses, and organizations in the halal industry.

CHART assists the halal industry by developing and promoting halal standards, providing training and education on halal practices, and conducting research to support the growth and development of the halal industry. Additionally, CHART works to create partnerships and collaborations with other organizations and institutions to further enhance the global halal ecosystem.

CHART works with a variety of individuals, businesses, and organizations in the halal industry, including students, halal food manufacturers, retailers, service providers, halal certification bodies, government agencies, research institutions, and international organizations.


  1. Halal: 
    A term used to describe products and services that are permissible under Islamic law. It is often used to refer to food and drink, but can also apply to other areas such as finance and personal care products.
  2. Halal certification: 
    The process of verifying that a product or service is halal, usually by an independent third-party organization.
  3. Halal standards: 
    Guidelines and rules that govern what is considered halal. These standards can vary by country and organization.
  4. Haram
    A term used to describe products and services that are not permissible under Islamic law.
  5. Zabihah:
    The process of slaughtering animals by Islamic law
  6. Tazkiyah:
    The process of ensuring that a product or service is halal, usually by conducting inspections and audits.
  7. Shariah:
    Islamic law as derived from the Quran and Hadith.
  8. Fiqh:
    Islamic jurisprudence, the understanding and interpretation of Islamic law.
  9. Mukallaf:
    A person who is legally responsible and accountable under Islamic law.
  10. Tawheed:
    The belief in the oneness of God and the rejection of polytheism and idol worship.
  11. Ibadah:
    Worship and devotion to God in Islam.
  12. Halal Industry:
    A wide range of activities that include halal food, halal tourism, halal cosmetics, halal medicine and halal logistics, halal finance, and halal slaughtering.
  13. Halal Chain:
    A series of halal-compliant activities that starts from the sourcing of raw materials, through processing and packaging, to distribution and consumption.
  14. Halal Traceability:
    The ability to trace the origin of halal products from the farm or factory to the consumer.
  15. Halal Slaughtering:
    The slaughtering of animals by Islamic law.

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